For many years I was dedicated to the multiple problems in the Barents Sea. You can see our database of fully reprocessed 2D data.
Currently we are working on a state of the art 3D merge for the North Sea, based on Raw mig stacks, for true amplitudes, deghosted and seamlessly merged in timei and phase.
Geology friendly
I was born in 1954. I grew up on the island of Hvasser in the outer Oslo Fjord. I am married with a teenage daughter. My daughter is an equestrian, so naturally I'm also very interested in horses.
My masters degree from the University of Oslo was in Limnology. However my whole professional career has been in the oil business as a data processing guy. I started with navigation processing in Geco in 1982. From -86 to -96 i was processing grav-mag, first with Geco and later with Amarok.
In 1996 i moved to Houston, Tx, and started seismic processing with the legendary Sam T of Just Geo. For a few years at the end of the last century I was in the geophysical support department of Saga Petroleum. This department was headed by the late Kristian Kolbjørnsen, but the top guy in exploration was Hans Kristen Rønnevik (who also "stepped out" in 2021).
In january 2000 I started PSS-Geo together with Rune Øverås, a company i left totally in Rune's hands in january 2021. The division of work between me and Rune was very simple; he would do the technological development, and I would make beautiful pictures and keep control of the cashflow.
SANDWIKI, Ødekjærveien 42, 3145 Tjøme, NORWAY
phone: (+47) 93227155
mail: jon@sandwiki.no
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